In a job lot of assorted engineering bits I've just bought from a local auction, there are some items I don't recognise...
They're 'bars' (about 1/2" square x 51/2" long) of hardened tool steel, with, what looks like, the profile of an involute gear tooth ground into the end (with 'relief' on the underside).
The relief makes me think they must be cutting tools - but what for? They can't be to cut gears (the single tooth form would interfere with the next tooth), so are they to manufacture tools (such as circular involute gear cutters) with which to cut gears? The only other thing I can think of is that they may be gauges - but, if so, why the relief?
I've got 10 in total, 1 is un-marked and the others are marked as follows:-
12 DP No 5
12 DP No 6
13 DP No 2
13 DP No 5
14 DP No 2
44 DP No 8
64 DP No 2
7.5 mod No 8
101 special
Does anyone recognise them? Does anyone want them?