- All adverts are checked by the administrators before being displayed.
- Only tools, materials, models, books and magazines related to workshop activities will be carried.
- All adverts will run for 42 days, you can renew it after 30 days so you can repost your advert again without having to retype it all. Please do not submit a new advert again just because it has gone to page 2, we will just delete it.
- Please group all your small sales together into one post, people submitting lots of small tool adverts may get blocked from the submit system, include them in one advert with new lines (return, enter) between items or use the [list] system.
- Large items such as machines must be listed separately even if you have 3 or more to sell, only exception is if you have many of the same machine.
- Please try and use the [list] feature to list multiple items. Put [list] on the first line and [/list] at the end of the last item, each new line will become an item.
- All HTML code will be removed by the system. This means that all links in adverts will not be clickable.
- Traders please tick the Trader box, this will add the words trader to your advert and protect you.
- We will not show adverts to auctions on sites like EBay. Only exception you can place adverts for buy it now only listings.
- Please use the preview system to check that you submission is displaying correctly. Use the edit button to change any errors before leaving the advert for approval.
- To remove your advert please use the Remove / Edit menu at the left of the page. You will need the advert number, this is below the title on the advert.
- Made a mistake or want to change your advert please use the Remove / Edit menu at the left of the page. You will need the advert number, this is below the title on the advert.
- If you do not want your email showing then you must tick the check box and include a phone number or a web URL otherwise it will show the email.
- All emails are images to hinder the harvesters and not the users, so please don't try copying the image or clicking on it. Do not use other fields to bypass the email filter it will just be deleted.
- Please include as much information as possible in the description. Making people contact you for more information will get your advert removed.
- Please include a price(s) for your item(s). Include the price for Courier/Delivery or Royal Mail if you have selected them, put 0 only if you are offering it for Free, leave it blank if not selected. Making people contact you or make offers for them will get your advert removed. ONO is allowed but biding offers have regulations that you must follow so we don't allow them.
- Only numbers can be entered in the price, you can put in 0 the advert will show Free or can be -1 to show MULTIPLE when you put the prices in the description with each combined items.
- Please put prices in listing in £, if your keyboard doesn't have the £ symbol then copy this one.
- You may add four pictures to the advert. All pictures will be resized to a maximum of 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels high, the file must be less than 10MB in size and in simple format GIF, JPG, JPEG or PNG format.
- Please do not state email for photos without uploading any, as we will just delete the advert. If you have more than 4 photos then you can advertise that you have more and upload the best 4.
- Please don't try to use tabs or spaces to make it look nice in the text box as tabs are blocked and spaces are replaced by a single space. Don't just copy from a web page or editor (MS Word), it may not show as it did on the page you copied it from.
- PLEASE DON'T POST IN ALL CAPS LIKE THIS. all lowercase titles, names and/or details. Badly formatted blocks of words that are not basic sentences. Will be removed by the Anti-Spam system automaticity but will be hidden till they are purged, you can preview the layout so can correct it and the moderators will then be able to approve it..
- You can use capital letters on words that use them, i.e. Myford ML7.
- Do not put Wanted or For Sale in the title box. A quick title of what you are selling is all that's needed I.E. 'Lathe, Miller and Shaper' the words For Sale or Wanted will be added by the system for you.
- Don't use other email address to mass post, the system tracks you and disabling tracking will disable the submit button.